Estill County Services Directory
Emergency Numbers
Emergency Assistance 911
Estill County Emergency Management Agency: (606) 723-6533
Estill County Emergency Medical Service (Ambulance): (606) 723-2124
Estill County Fire Department: (606) 723-2201
Estill County Sheriff: (606) 723-2323
Irvine Police Department: (606) 723-2221
Kentucky State Police: (800) 222-5555
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services
West Care Kentucky (AA & NA): (606) 726-0385
Hillcrest Hall: (859) 498-6574
Hope Center: (859) 252-7881
Child Care and Preschool Programs
Estill County Board of Education: (606) 723-2181
Estill County Preschool/Head Start/Early Head Start: (606) 723-4700
Playtime Daycare: (606) 726-9258
Clothing Assistance (if child is enrolled in school)
Estill Co High School Youth Service Center: (606) 723-2169
Estill Co Middle School Youth Service Center: (606) 723-6840
Estill Springs Elementary Family Resource Center: (606) 723-5830
West Irvine Elementary Family Resource Center: (606) 723-7733
Community Services
American Red Cross: (877) 450-5018
Estill County Conservation District: (606) 723-5104
Estill County Cooperative Extension Service: (606) 723-4557
Estill County Public Library: (606) 723-3030
Estill County Senior Citizen’s Center: (606) 723-4787
Estill Development Alliance: (606) 723-2450
AIDS Volunteers (AVOL): (859) 225-3000
Appalachian Outreach Program: (859) 313-1705
Bluegrass Impact: (859) 792-3081
Comprehensive Care Center: (606) 723-5128
DCBS Protection and Permanency: (606) 723-4503
Hope Center: (859) 252-7881
Hospice Care Plus: (800) 806-5492
Lexington Planned Parenthood: (859) 252-0448
Pregnancy Help Center: (859) 624-3942
Ridge Behavioral Health System: (859) 269-2325
YWCA Empowerment Center: (859) 879-8890
Early Childhood Intervention and Disabilities
Access Program: (859) 272-7483
Bluegrass Impact: (859) 792-3081
Commission for Children with Special Health Care Needs: (859) 252-3170
First Steps (Point of Entry): (859) 271-9448
Estill County Adult Education: (606) 723-7323
Estill County Board of Education: (606) 723-2181
Estill County Literacy Program: (606) 723-2850
Estill County Migrant Program: (606) 723-2181
Estill County Public Schools: (606) 723-2181
Estill Co Schools Psychological Services: (606) 723-2181
Foothills Youth Investment Project: (606) 723-6629
KY Tech Madison County Area Technical Center: (859) 624-4520
Community Educational Opportunity: (866) 870-0809
Employment Services
Access Employment Network: (606) 272-7483
Cardinal Employment: (859) 624-3624
Department for Community Based Services (KTAP): (606) 723-5124
Department for Employment Services: (859) 745-4739
Department for Employment Services: (859) 624-2564
Goodwill Industries of KY: (859) 231-8394
KY River Foothills Development Council: (859) 624-2046
Financial Assistance
American Red Cross: (877) 450-5018
Child Care Council: (859) 623-9811
DCBS Family Support: (606) 723-5124
Estill County Child Support Office: (606) 723-4402
KY River Foothills LIHEAP-Heating Assistance: (606) 723-6629
Social Security Administration: (859) 624-5714
Food Assistance
DCBS Family Support: (606) 723-5124
Estill County Health Department WIC Program: (606) 723-5181
Estill County Food Bank - Referrals given by approved agency
God's Outreach Food Bank: (606) 717-0001
Health Services
American Cancer Society: (859) 276-3223
Appalachian Outreach Program: (859)313-1705
Estill County Health Department: (606) 723-5181
Estill County Lions Club: (606) 723-4648
Hospice Care Plus: (859) 986-5492
Interfaith Wellness Ministry: (606) 723-8505
Mercy Health Marcum and Wallace Memorial Hospital: (606) 723-2115
Housing Assistance
American Red Cross: (877) 450-5018
Housing Authority of Irvine: (606) 723-3116
Irvine West Apartments: (606)723-2514
KY River Foothills Weatherization and Housing: (606) 723-6629
Stacy Lane Apartments: (606)723-7621
Legal Services
Appalachian Research and Defense Fund: (859) 624-1394
Medical Assistance
Commission for Children with Special Healthcare Needs: (859) 252-3170
DCBS Family Support: (606) 723-5124
Marcum and Wallace Memorial Hospital: (606) 723-2115
Mental Health Services
Bluegrass Impact: (859) 792-3081
Comprehensive Care Center: (606) 723-5128
Hope Center: (859) 252-7881
Ridge Behavioral Health Systems: (859) 269-2325
Children’s Clinic (Dr. Ong): (606) 723-5142
White House Clinic (Dr. Fain): (606) 723-0665
Estill Springs Elementary: (606) 723-7703
South Irvine Elementary: (606) 723-4700
West Irvine Elementary: (606) 723-4800
Estill County Middle School: (606) 723-5136
Estill County High School: (606) 723-3537
Smoking Cessation
Cooper Clayton (Estill County Health Department): (606) 723-5181
KY Tobacco Quit Line: (800) QUITNOW
Social Services
DCBS Family Support: (606) 723-5124
DCBS Protection and Permanency: (606) 723-5146
Social Security Administration: (859) 624-5714
Support Groups
American Cancer Society: (800) 227-2345
AIDS Volunteers: (859) 225-3000
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Meetings: (859) 277-1877
AA/NA-Westcare: (606) 723-0365
KY River Foothills Express (No Medicaid): (606) 723-6629
LKLP (Medicaid accepted): (606) 726-0238
Women’s Crisis Services
Bluegrass Christian Adoption Services: (859) 276-2222
Florence Crittenton Home and Services: (859) 252-8636
Pregnancy Help Center: (859) 624-3942
YWCA Empowerment Center: (800) 544-2022
Other Services
KentuckyHomeplace: (606)723-0365
Estill County Health Department Car Seat Technicians: (606) 723-5181
Emergency Assistance 911
Estill County Emergency Management Agency: (606) 723-6533
Estill County Emergency Medical Service (Ambulance): (606) 723-2124
Estill County Fire Department: (606) 723-2201
Estill County Sheriff: (606) 723-2323
Irvine Police Department: (606) 723-2221
Kentucky State Police: (800) 222-5555
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services
West Care Kentucky (AA & NA): (606) 726-0385
Hillcrest Hall: (859) 498-6574
Hope Center: (859) 252-7881
Child Care and Preschool Programs
Estill County Board of Education: (606) 723-2181
Estill County Preschool/Head Start/Early Head Start: (606) 723-4700
Playtime Daycare: (606) 726-9258
Clothing Assistance (if child is enrolled in school)
Estill Co High School Youth Service Center: (606) 723-2169
Estill Co Middle School Youth Service Center: (606) 723-6840
Estill Springs Elementary Family Resource Center: (606) 723-5830
West Irvine Elementary Family Resource Center: (606) 723-7733
Community Services
American Red Cross: (877) 450-5018
Estill County Conservation District: (606) 723-5104
Estill County Cooperative Extension Service: (606) 723-4557
Estill County Public Library: (606) 723-3030
Estill County Senior Citizen’s Center: (606) 723-4787
Estill Development Alliance: (606) 723-2450
AIDS Volunteers (AVOL): (859) 225-3000
Appalachian Outreach Program: (859) 313-1705
Bluegrass Impact: (859) 792-3081
Comprehensive Care Center: (606) 723-5128
DCBS Protection and Permanency: (606) 723-4503
Hope Center: (859) 252-7881
Hospice Care Plus: (800) 806-5492
Lexington Planned Parenthood: (859) 252-0448
Pregnancy Help Center: (859) 624-3942
Ridge Behavioral Health System: (859) 269-2325
YWCA Empowerment Center: (859) 879-8890
Early Childhood Intervention and Disabilities
Access Program: (859) 272-7483
Bluegrass Impact: (859) 792-3081
Commission for Children with Special Health Care Needs: (859) 252-3170
First Steps (Point of Entry): (859) 271-9448
Estill County Adult Education: (606) 723-7323
Estill County Board of Education: (606) 723-2181
Estill County Literacy Program: (606) 723-2850
Estill County Migrant Program: (606) 723-2181
Estill County Public Schools: (606) 723-2181
Estill Co Schools Psychological Services: (606) 723-2181
Foothills Youth Investment Project: (606) 723-6629
KY Tech Madison County Area Technical Center: (859) 624-4520
Community Educational Opportunity: (866) 870-0809
Employment Services
Access Employment Network: (606) 272-7483
Cardinal Employment: (859) 624-3624
Department for Community Based Services (KTAP): (606) 723-5124
Department for Employment Services: (859) 745-4739
Department for Employment Services: (859) 624-2564
Goodwill Industries of KY: (859) 231-8394
KY River Foothills Development Council: (859) 624-2046
Financial Assistance
American Red Cross: (877) 450-5018
Child Care Council: (859) 623-9811
DCBS Family Support: (606) 723-5124
Estill County Child Support Office: (606) 723-4402
KY River Foothills LIHEAP-Heating Assistance: (606) 723-6629
Social Security Administration: (859) 624-5714
Food Assistance
DCBS Family Support: (606) 723-5124
Estill County Health Department WIC Program: (606) 723-5181
Estill County Food Bank - Referrals given by approved agency
God's Outreach Food Bank: (606) 717-0001
Health Services
American Cancer Society: (859) 276-3223
Appalachian Outreach Program: (859)313-1705
Estill County Health Department: (606) 723-5181
Estill County Lions Club: (606) 723-4648
Hospice Care Plus: (859) 986-5492
Interfaith Wellness Ministry: (606) 723-8505
Mercy Health Marcum and Wallace Memorial Hospital: (606) 723-2115
Housing Assistance
American Red Cross: (877) 450-5018
Housing Authority of Irvine: (606) 723-3116
Irvine West Apartments: (606)723-2514
KY River Foothills Weatherization and Housing: (606) 723-6629
Stacy Lane Apartments: (606)723-7621
Legal Services
Appalachian Research and Defense Fund: (859) 624-1394
Medical Assistance
Commission for Children with Special Healthcare Needs: (859) 252-3170
DCBS Family Support: (606) 723-5124
Marcum and Wallace Memorial Hospital: (606) 723-2115
Mental Health Services
Bluegrass Impact: (859) 792-3081
Comprehensive Care Center: (606) 723-5128
Hope Center: (859) 252-7881
Ridge Behavioral Health Systems: (859) 269-2325
Children’s Clinic (Dr. Ong): (606) 723-5142
White House Clinic (Dr. Fain): (606) 723-0665
Estill Springs Elementary: (606) 723-7703
South Irvine Elementary: (606) 723-4700
West Irvine Elementary: (606) 723-4800
Estill County Middle School: (606) 723-5136
Estill County High School: (606) 723-3537
Smoking Cessation
Cooper Clayton (Estill County Health Department): (606) 723-5181
KY Tobacco Quit Line: (800) QUITNOW
Social Services
DCBS Family Support: (606) 723-5124
DCBS Protection and Permanency: (606) 723-5146
Social Security Administration: (859) 624-5714
Support Groups
American Cancer Society: (800) 227-2345
AIDS Volunteers: (859) 225-3000
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Meetings: (859) 277-1877
AA/NA-Westcare: (606) 723-0365
KY River Foothills Express (No Medicaid): (606) 723-6629
LKLP (Medicaid accepted): (606) 726-0238
Women’s Crisis Services
Bluegrass Christian Adoption Services: (859) 276-2222
Florence Crittenton Home and Services: (859) 252-8636
Pregnancy Help Center: (859) 624-3942
YWCA Empowerment Center: (800) 544-2022
Other Services
KentuckyHomeplace: (606)723-0365
Estill County Health Department Car Seat Technicians: (606) 723-5181